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It's the scandinavian I smell! Stand still, so that't would be easier to kill ye!!!^$ 0P ....................   Welcome, wayfarer. What have you brought into my castle?Do you seek the chamber of Darkness Warriors? Then you need to discover the canyon in the Yuteland desert. Warriors are there.But everybody, who tried to search canyon, vanished in the desert or came back with empty hands.FAnd you won't get it to Yuteland now. The bridge is washed away by the recent flood.I've sent some workers in order to repair itBut i'll ask a boon of you. An amulet from my collection lost somewhere. If by any chance you'd spot it, bring it back to me... Haven't you found my amulet yet?Good luck to you.Thanks for not selling away. Take this amulet as a token of my gratitude. When the world was full of mages, it used for transporting to any part of the world=You've found it!I'll reward you for the service and give this key. Don't know though, what can it opens. Maybe, later it'll come useful to you  %What a beautiful sceptre! It will be a great addition to my collection. I'll give you this magical sign. Do not know how to use it anyway &QTTHail to you, brave viking. Our Holmgard starts to live the normal life, thanks to you.Your goal is noble, and I guess, the king would not refuse to help you. Try to ask him.Good fortune for your hard quest!This sceptre is familiar to me. It belongs to the king, but was lost several years ago.It's better to return it to him...< An useful thing what you brought. May cut the bushes near the hut, 'cause too wide have they grown...Take this rat. One of the magicans in the northern town collects them. 9 Horse bone is a valuable ingredient for magical experiments. Thank you, Egil.Please accept a bundle with food as a replacement  8Now, but this is a flower from southern cave! One of those few which can grow in pitch darkness.My father was the last, who have seen it. But the time, when he went to the cave to pick it, never returned... Nobody has seen him since then.Thank you anyway. The flower will remain with me, and you an continue your quest.Ah, almost forget. Take the brew and celebrate your victory.? PK@AEYou can trade battle spells with me. Will you start it now? % As you wish, viking... VULNERABILITY 700$ WEAKENING 500$ HEALING 200$ VAMPIR'S 300$ SLEDGEHAMMER 400$If you make your mind again - then come back.A white rat... An interesting specimen, it is. I'll buy it for 100 coins. Agree? +We have a deal! d;As you wish...)You found Dokie! These creatures are extremely rare, they must be preserved Let's do this - I will pay 1000 coins for each of them. )(Another one! Well done!!! (You found she-Dokie! Now I'll be able to try to breed them myself. (You know what, warrior... I've found a mermaid mirror not so long ago in the caves. I hope, I can sell it.So, the mermaid mirror for 150 coins.   -Behold!AAs you wish...You've set foot on Yuteland? Congratulations, Egil. You are going to need the map of those lands. And I can also sell you a magical sphere for 50 coins.Will you accept it?  2You made the right choice!P'(Think this over, it may be of some use to you..,/Hail to you, Egil, I've heard of your feats. My name is Tjorghen, and I am the chieftan of this city./Good luck, Egil.Please, help to get us rid of the witch.(Have you killed the witch?Praise to Egil, the hammer oTrack-Info  R f the witches!Hey, but this is the witch's head! You have done it and freed us!!!I shall give you my grandfather's sword and 300 coins, as I was promised Take also the carboy of brew, it will prove useful as usual. 88888888888888888888 What an interesting plant... It isn't in my herbarium for sure.I will pay you 300 coins for it and will give another 300, if you grant what I askA witch have settled in the southern bogs, and started to trouble us recently. Now she'd put a spell and then she'd steal a sheep...If you get us rid of the plague, I'll pay you and give my grandfather's sword. Legend says, it conceal great powerAnd hear you this - when our mage was, dying, he said one could get to the, witch if one had mixed blood-colored and grass-colored dust...And something else... Oh, I can't recall d, $ " #K)S-Greetings, viking. My name is Eignar, and I'm alchemist, but don't mix me up with the mages -- they use the magic, and I concoct it.If you'd bring me something interesting, I will start assisting you.Haven't find any of interesting yet?Come back later, viking, I'm busy.Now lo what he ha found! Looks like a soothsayer ball from a witch who dwells at the island.I've prepared a spell for you, whith will help to reach the Demon of Darkness '5Curious flies. No, they aren't a simple fireflies. I'll study them later, and for you... this spell. some green powder. 15This is a quite rare plant. Thank you viking. I will give you a bottle of real water of life for it. "Don't disturb me, stranger. I'm busy.Great! An unicorn skull!!! Where on earth did you obtained this? After all, unicorns have extincted many centuries ago.Now I will start to help in your journey. If you need a spell, just come to me.U(T You've unfiltrated the Yuteland! Very well! Just a bit more to go...As you know, the cave in the northern Yuteland is enchanted. I can duspell the enchantment. You only have to bring me 3 magical objects. Set off!TBring me necessary objects.V W X Get on your way, my friend! Quickly!&Perfect, viking... VUU(You brought, what is necessary. WUU*Quite important component XUVWXBring me the rest, and I wull dispel the enchantment from the cave entrance.Now I have all the necessary components  :I will keep the cave entrance open, and you must make haste. Your travel will soon be over.+8&%gHail to you, wanderer. I am Gandalf, the oracle of this city.I would be pleased to help you, but seems I will not last too long -- a strange illness brought me down to bed...%Hard for me to speak, wanderer...Now I feel much better, thanks to you.Miracle! What an invigoration!! It could be nothing else, than the water of life.Bless to you, viking. Think I will recover shortly. Don not know, how to tnak you for than.Take some money and this amulet. I have found it where three stones guard the floating ring. Maybe, it will be useful for you... &I9A blue flower... It grew in that cave... You have defeated the Demon of Darkness? I see, you are a really great warrior.I will endow you for the victory. ITake this brew. It is not gold, for sure, but I am an ill man! JFree your hands, or anyway I would not be able to give you my prsentI hope, the illness will step back...KX;,#CI can sell you a rope and an old haroppn for 50 coins. Will you take 'em? a 2~~Have a rum, but I trade it only for piastras, if you can find 'em.$For 20 coins I'll sell you excellent pruner. Now how, do you take it? Va  ~$If you don't - I'll sell them to someone else.0050 coins -- and I'll sell you a phial full of fireflies. Have you need these? a 2~0230 coins -- and the large hammer is yours. Have a deal? 8a ~2I'm Gerhald, a trader in this townie. If by chance you'll need something, just tell me -- I've got everything.Good day to you, my horned fella. Wow! A piastre... Long since I've seen one of these, after the pirates have quitted dropping in to us. Just one have remained.Rum is due for piastres. Take it. ~An intriguing thing... Looks like an amulet from the king's collection. Where heave you got it?I'll give you 200 coins and a shark tooth. Is it a bargain? '0 Well, as you wish. Mine is to offer.The thing belongs to the king, but if you kept mum, I'd possibly buy it for 200 coins. Now what?  @Fine bargain!Come again a you change your mind.Track-Info  R Don't try to push this sceptre off to me. If the king hears I have it, I'll be put to death!LA sailor catched a saw fish here not, long ago, flogged it tO me for a price I'd better not tell.I can sell it to you for 200 coins. a "~LYo-ho-ho, and the buttle of rum! 'em horns I'll know for all the thousand miles away! Ye'r a viking! Me have known many lots of yer kind... Let me run aground! Ye 'gain!Fetch me rum, you horned devil!Don't bother. I'm recalling the past. A man-eating shark tooth! Why, ye seem to be an old seadog... Kinda like brother to me, ye became.Take a piastre, comrade, run and fetch me the rum, for I've forgot it to walk on land... I tell, I do not able to walk the land. So it's ye who rins for rum. That's it! My lovely rum!!!  2It's all right now, ye can go aboard.)Why, but it's my steering wheel! Three thousand of sea-devils! Ye've tracked it down, thank ye. As a gratitude, I'll give ye the dearest I have -- a handful of Atlantida land... *S \Heat is inbearable, isn't it, Egil? Tired as a dog working! Want to eat. And I wont't mind a leg of mutton right now! Now that I'm full I can go on with my work. Here! They have dragged the grub!!!Delicious, though not a mutton... I even do not know how to thank you.Take this stick. It's Strudy. Tried to break myself -- nothing came out. " What a fishoo! Whith this one's quite able to eat one's fill! It've only got an inedible nose. I'll likely give it back to you.M $-1You're back to perish one and for all?-]But how did you dare, mere mortal, to speak to the Demon of Darkness? Indeed, do you kno...Now wait, how is it your bread so familiar???Why, you're the viking, th whom has the way yo Holmgard been opened in exchangefor a Gyondel's soul?Vile sorcerer cheated me, and you will to pay the bill!!!-dThis is can't be? I'm overthrown by a mortal! %++++++++++++++++++++ All same you wish to improve your weapons? For sure, I won't sell you ill-conditioned. Now, will you buy? 5As you wish. But in the old man Abram's store you are always welcomed. If you come to be in my Homeland -- send my salaam to aunt Sara. HIT +50 750 coins HIT +20 300 coins HIT +10 150 coins BLOCK +40 200 coins BLOCK +20 100 coinsGoods to viking, shekels to AbramYou can have a rest in my inn just for 50 coins. Agreed? As you like, mine is to ofer. 22Do come again, you'll oblige me.You don't have such money, you sly!    FGood luck, brave journeyman.They tell, no more robbers in the forest. The king appreciates your service and ready to listen you.I'll open the gate.  YSorry, brave one, but the king ordered not to let anyone in.He'll admit only the man of courage who'd clean the royal forest of robbers.Dislodge all the robbers from the forest, and I'll let you to the king.We ain't got nothin' to cheat with 'em horns of yours.FT 8I'm repairing the bridge here, for, the king's order. So if you want to reach Yuteland faster, don't hinder me 8Never mind, I(m just doing my job -- bridge repairs. 8Where on earth were you before! With such a refrshment I'll fix the bridge in a thrice!!! 8dHere it is, as good as it should...F 8\ZKHail to you, Egil. I am Urgent the Oracle of the godforsaken Yuteland. No one lives here for a long time...I remained here only to show the way to canyon of Darkness Warriors, because it is impossible to reach it without map.And the entrance of the canyon is blocked with golden gate. Its key is enclosed in this diamond...The diamond can be broken by the sword, which has the power of gods. But this sword is guarded in northern cave by a monster what the world has never seen.In that case you will manage to retrieve the sword, I will show the way across... the desert... Take the money also.K Make haste, Egil! Not so much time left]Excellent, the key to the canyon is yours! RT ,I have marked the way to the canyon on this map. Follow it closely and do not swerveGood luck, viking.\]Free your hands, I will give you a map'I will mark the way to the canyon on this map and will give it back when you are ready to goTake this steering wheel. Yesterday it was washed ashore with the tide. Return it to the pirate, it seems to belong to him... )RF#NHail to you, viking. My name is Storsen, I am the chieftan of the Yosemite seaport. I have heard much of your travels, you are always a welcomed guesTrack-Info  R t here.NWelcome to Yosemite, vikingOI have got an interesting thing shelved -- a gilted sceptre. I can trade it for something worthy.$A saw fish nose! The thing worthy to be traded for a sceptre indeed. Well, take it. %OCDWhat are you, horny, haven't ever saw a mermaid? Though thank you -- you found my mirror stolen some times ago. I couldn't get to the surface without itListen now, horney, do me a good turn. One hermit lives to the south of the Eastern City. He came here often and took the fancy of me allready.OPass him this box. Tell him it's from beloved...C :Free your strong hands, I should give you somethingDEWhat of my present, have you sent it?You again? Do you want to leave in shame once more?I've twisted you round my little finger, and you've never turned a horn! Ha-ha-ha!This hermit had the cheek to take my mirror from here, without it I was confined in the underground lake.You are right, I'll strangle him. If you want to be a hero and save your fella, you've got to fight with me!!!"What a shame! But don't you hope for the best, I'll be quits with you!!! 6 5GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHSinister thing! Surely no one believe, but the mermaid wished me dead!Well, thank you, horned warrior. I give you some money for rescuing me, and you can take a carboy of brew from my house, maybe it'll prove useful. ! HWhat do you want, stranger? Go away!It's time to go, viking.: 7A present? For me? And even from the beloved??? It's suspicious, but I'll look what it is anyway... 7EIJThank you for all you've doneYESNOL #88 @P!88q8p8p8p8p8p8p8p8p8p8p8p8D'T'|PLUS3DOS@Track-Info  R ?>~?<>s9nj>w?~|9<~w^>?y<?w?>y~7?7q|~?3|~Track-Info  R PLUS3DOS]p0! ?6^ۿ{ 2z1:f[o !u!Tv!!Nv|ww( t(w>2\2H\!@@u!9{@!CCM6!ZZ6?!z!:x!X!P"Vv>v:z2C͆q!xC:C( !mqq!9{@q*q" q!~q@qK q*qB"'q4F |H0 G } >ZrB!4F14D͂C>2\[y"q"q~ݾ ###|( "q*q>ZrBSNAP128KSNAP48KEND!!?v,r!iz:y[2iz!v,r!8!v,r!nf|(>_rJ~"2C!8s8!>s8!Hs(!Qs (>_r!er!s:s #er:C:z>_r! v!HH6!IrerO!v +3DOS ERROR: !r!8s͔r>~ >8!s˿͔rlr#اG>PROGRAMA MUY GRANDE - NO ENTRA EN EL PRIMER TERCIO ERROR NO PUEDO ENCONTRAR RUTINASDE CARGA LIBRE: 48K128K/+2+3/+2APENTAGONDESCONOCIDOInserte el disco para B: y luegopresione una tecla. 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