MV - CPCEMU Disk-File Disk-Info ZX-Modules(Track-Info  R ( *RTrack-Info  R EYE 1 EYE 2  EYE 2 M EYE 3 !"#EYE %EYE %PLUS3DOS, 缧:ټ:ڼ:"23624","9" ?z=:u=:s="6":n="5000":l="380":p="65024":q="512"  s,"s":s $ch="23631"+"256"*"23632"+"5" ch,"82":ch+u,z ch,"244":ch+u,"9" "58624" plus3=z x=("23611"/"16") s128=x-"2"*(x/"2") s128plus3="109"="40" max=u+s128+plus3 sh=ch>"23739" tape=max=sh ( u:s:u: 2"23658","8" < s+u:u+u:u F$z,"4";" EYE " P$u,"4";" ENDURANCE GAMES " Z&u+u,"4";"PROGRAMMED BY ANDROMEDA " d u:s:z n '"Please select rule options:" x<'"1. Colours may only be captured on the player's turn" ?"2. Colours may be captured at any time during the game" a=-"49" au"140" a+a+s,z;s+u;u;u,,,, """170" L"11",z;"1. Captured colours are retained for the duration of the game" A"2PLUS3DOS;@R;;6@>[~(#Fx(˸x( >0>#~#j jU+ j+ j+ jUP+ j+ j+ j + PT_ VP*VPVPT_ VP VPVPT_ VP_ Vj+ jU+ jU+ j+ ?jU_UU@+ jU+ j+ ?j + PVP*VPVPVP VPVPVPVj+ jUT+ j+ j+ jUUU+ j+ j+ jW+ PT_ VUPP VPUVPT_ VUUPPVPUVPT_ VUPP_P Vj+ jU+ j+ j+ jUU_U+ j+ j+ j+ PVUP VPVPVUPVPVPVUP}@?Vj + Uժj]?uO+ j/O+ j U+ jU + j+ j+ j + PVWP_VP?WVPU?VP?U_VPVPT_VPVjTrack-Info  R + }^j󊿗]OϝuW+ jU@/+ j+/UU+ j + jU+ j+ j + PVP˪VPUVPԀVPUUVPVPVPVj+ ?jׯOW_+ ?jUT?/+ ?jU+ j+ j+ j+ j ?+ PV?P_ ?V?PԪU__V?P@U@_VPUVPUV@PT_VP_VjUV+ j}?O+ jUeW*+ jꪪU+ j++ j+ j+ j + P_VP_VPԪUUU_VPԀU_ VP VPVUPVP_Vj+ j+ jE+ j+ j+ j+ j_TPU@UUEEUAU@? j PVPT_VP U@VPVPT_VPUVP/?VQ*jU+ j+ jE+ ?jU+ j+ j ?jU@? iUPVPVP*UVPVPVPUPVP/VQj+ j+ jQ+ j+ j/ j_ jWP@@@@UO iUPPUVPT_VP*UVUUPPUVPT_VP/P?VUPP+'VQ j+ j+ jUQ_+ j+ j+ j_ j_ ~_UuUP iUUP*VPVP󋪨UVUPVPVP/  VUPU9VP HH ) HzHHM  MHHzzO  HHzzO ) zO  zzO  zzO ) z ) O yyA)y JzOJzO y)y JzOJzO ) JJzzO )  OJzzOO   ) OOzzOO  OOzzOO ) O   z  zzO ) zzO ) z  zz ) zzz PLUS3DOSwfe_G!9[e\շR0! _ B!`_!F_B~(+Fx(˸x( >0>+~+k̛  Ãσ??}?}'{'o?}}'{*  x}?~~??????p{PpT ??#?{* ?}??c`??wPTo?qg?G0? ?{* ~??|>??? ggUPTx???''߃* U@?Tw~~24??,Lp݃*w<?<|>|>??-8_C݃?U@T?w8?qsCZZga݃@*?w0? k6?l_Z?Track-Info  R Zxnvރ@{( Pރ@{xnvZ?_Zl?k60? ?wUT@݃gaZCZsq8??w?*݃_C-8??|>|><?<wU@T݃p,L??24~~w*?߃UPT?????* q 7??|>??x~?UPT{0? ??;w??o* w??`g????}PT{???{*p ?p??????~~}  {T@?}?}o{??}?}σ?  8 888888888888888888888888888998::998::998::998::8888888 88880 88880 888800 88880 880 880 8 0  Ãφ?}?}'{'߇??o?}}>'{  x}?~?~?{ ??# {?}??c?wo?qg??G?{~??|>???gg0Px????''߇???߃߃U?>Tw??24@@,L݄0@x~ w@?|>??|>@-8_C݄<<pPTw>qsCZZg`a݄~?U@ wk6l_ZZxn? vބ{@@?T {xnvZ_Zlk6@wUP?*8g?aZCZsq|wT?<_Track-Info  R ?C-8|>?|>0@~w?UP?,L24? |wUP???U??UT??? qᅢ7? ?|>??x~?U@{?߈;߃UU@w?U@?ow??g?? ??}P{?0UUP??T{???~~}  {8??}T?}UUTPo??`މ{?}?*}σ  8 888888888888888888888888888998::998::998::998::8888888 88880 88880 888800 88 880 8 80 880 8 0  ÃT?UU@}}'ވ{'PU@o??}}'*{  x}?~T?~?UUUT?{ ??*# {*??}??UPcT??<<0UP wo?q߃(?g?߇?G?0 { 0~??|>??U@?ᅥggppU@x? ??*'' p?w24,L???w|>|>?-8_p@C???wq?sCZZg `a???8?w?k6<<?l_Z|>Zxnv{??????{xnvZ|>_Zl<<?k6?8?w???g `aZCZs?q?w??_p@C-8?|>|>??w?,L24?wpUP????UTP??pTrack-Info  R  qᅥ7??|>??x~? 00U {??߇?;߃8?w?U@?o0  w<<?*g?? ??}?T{UUP??T{*??~*~}  {@?UT?}?}UU@@o? ވ{?}?}*  8 888 888888888888888888888888998::998::998::998::8888888 88880 88880 888800 88880 8 80 880 8 0  Ã??}}'މ{'T`UP??o?}}|'*{ 8?  x}?~~??UP{UP ??#0{?  ?}??c??UPwUPo?q߃g?߈G { ~??|>???ᅢggUPU@?x????'' ??T?|wT0T24,LUP ?0~w|>?|>-8_*C*<<@wU|qPsCZZg?@a~8@w k6l_Z Zxn v* {@ބ{xnU vZ@_Zl@k6@@w? ݄g `aZƒCZs q*wp݄~_UC-8@@|>P?|>@~ w?x݄< ,L@24**>w߃?߃?߇????????0q7??|>??x~??{??;w??ow?g????Track-Info  R }{ ??{??~?~}  {?}>?}o?߇?{??}?}φ  8 8888888888 8888 8888 888888888998::998::998::998::8888888 88880 88880 888800 88880 880 880 8 0 ________________??///?////oO?///? ??//|o|??/////oO? 3g??//pppppp ppبȨppphppp pPP PP PP  @                                                                        իիի}_B}_B}_ |D|D| PLEASE SELECKempston JoysticSinclair JoysticCursor KeyRedefine KeyboarHumaComputeNo more playerREBLUYELLOGREEPlayerYou are playingPlease type in your namHow many moves do you wanto make before boarcolours are changed(Press ENTER for InfinityPress key forLEFTRIGHUP DOWNFIRE!X_~!@@u!X_>w## = :!p@(= >@ = X͎>>z2\>_=2> W2>  {24>4::0g.0,}>.> % o,n(:\08(0Ͳ!/!>:> n(x/ xG08p#w#:\ ͲƧz! = 0:G0B{B>Hn(:\ y(>{>+ 6  ( 8Gy(xw# Ͳ#_+:ݾ  0 !`a#6 64 Ͳ: ( _WA(:~w#~w+$y_(#O= D(`> w$= #<z:!@`=]p=]6#QNN;QNNN8= >F <2O!YXlO  6O !6#!:\$|} o|g*0!p!:<(.F#N#GO!:2(87= ~ww~ww~ww ###!!:\*0w#+ !iҋz !w#(64ɄK4xGyO22xgo|@g"0{0D OG:?<_K4:x8 0 y886C46: v*6,(͝K4[8&{(˄8ˤ˜z(˄8˔ˌ|:_!*0|g}!o|gxgo|Xg~( $y!XN#(>`(7 0(W7K4>89= y8%x0W{_yJ _&y88x 8 0 _&8͹#~# ~#*0{:2 G~808~ = x_WOzQ(y(Gy`G ~?w# v *6, !X~w# 6+ph&~ɧ!_6z0+6+6 ihiihhh!X!2͵!6:&;Track-Info  R ! 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(Y/N)"  a$=:a=u "a$="y"a$="Y""470" ,a$"n"a$"N""280" 6'"NO" @'"You may exit EYE at any point during the game by pressing CAPSSHIFT with ""X"" (for eXit). This will allow you to SAVE the game." J"#z;"Press SPACE BAR to continue" T" ""340" ^z h "54900" | s:s:z: 6"Please select one of the following options:" ?'"1. LOAD a previously saved game"'"2. SAVE the current game" tape"3. CATalogue files" "4. "; tape"ERASE/"; K"VERIFY"'"5. Abandon the current game"'"6. Continue playing current game"  a=-"48" as"410" a=u'"LOAD" a=u+u'"SAVE" a="3"tape'"CATalogue" aɰ"4""450" 9tape'"ERASE (all except tape)"'"VERIFY (tape only)" tape'"VERIFY" a=s-uu:u:s::"60" a=sn d=z:tape"580" '"Please select device"'' sh"0. Microdrive" "1. Cassette Tape" s128"2. Ram-disk" &plus3"3. 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Disk drive (+3)" 0 d=-"48" :d<(sh)d>max"560" ; dud=d >plus3 "EYE.3":"a:" ? a="3" Daɰ"3""6000" N"400"*a+"100"*d+"600" plus3 "EYE.4" f$:n L "m";u;f$ Vn plus3 "EYE.5"+f$+".eye":n  !f$:n  "EYE.6"+f$+".eye":n x plus3"t:"  f$p,q:l *"m";u;f$p,q l @plus3"m:"+f$+".eye"p,q:l J !f$p,q:l "a:"+f$+".eye"p,q:l l l u:z:l plus3"m:*.eye":z:l  !:z:l 4"a:*.eye":z:l plus3 "EYE.7" f$:l "m";u;f$:goto l `plus3"m:"+f$+".eye":l j!f$:l "a:"+f$+".eye":l z 581655 P"370" p"FILENAME? ";f$ z mx=10 du+uplus3"6080"  i=u̱f$ f$(i)"."i f$=f$(ui-u)  Track-Info  R         mx=8 f$>mxf$=f$(umx)  PLUS3DOS* Broken by Kicia  1991 8]͚]|]U]: ] ]t]!X'2]!Z:]<2]@:]w#0]v!]~ (#>2]G> ?2]ɯ>ׯ:]>ׯ:]G!]~#!=%"6\ɯ!\>><>ׯ~#!=@~# x S6\ + EYE "23658",ç:"23611","204" (5ç:ç:"23624",ç:"24499":߰"254",ç:"23791" 2O "EYE.1"::"4E4":"23739","o": "EYE.2":"24500":"28670": "EYE.3" Track-Info  R         Track-Info  R         Track-Info  R         Track-Info  R         Track-Info  R Track-Info  R Track-Info  R Track-Info  R Track-Info  R Track-Info  R Track-Info  R Track-Info  R Track-Info  R Track-Info  R Track-Info  R Track-Info  R Track-Info  R Track-Info  R Track-Info  R Track-Info  R Track-Info  R Track-Info  R Track-Info  R         Track-Info ! R!!!!!!!!! Track-Info " R""""""""" Track-Info # R######### Track-Info $ R$$$$$$$$$ Track-Info % R%%%%%%%%% Track-Info & R&&&&&&&&& Track-Info ' R'''''''''